Notable Sales

William Adam
Charles Partridge Adams
Lucy Agid
Maxine Albro

William Adam
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Charles Partridge Adams

Lucy Agid
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Maxine Albro

Mabel Alvarez
Mischa Askenazy
Belle Baranceanu
Matthew Barnes

Mabel Alvarez
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Mischa Askenazy
view more paintings

Belle Baranceanu
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Matthew Barnes
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Dana Bartlett
Frederick W. Becker
Barbara Beretich
Henrietta Berk

Dana Bartlett
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Frederick W. Becker
view more paintings

Barbara Beretich
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Henrietta Berk

Virginia Berresford
Arthur William Best
Edward Biberman
Franz Bischoff

Virginia Berresford

Arthur William Best
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Edward Biberman
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Franz Bischoff
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Lee Blair
Carl Oscar Borg
Elizabeth Borglum
Lester Boronda

Lee Blair
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Carl Oscar Borg
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Elizabeth Borglum
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Lester Boronda

White Peacocks in Floral Garden<br><small>Jessie Arms Botke</font>
Cornelis Botke
Jessie Arms Botke
Antoine Bouvard

White Peacocks in Floral Garden
Jessie Arms Botke

Cornelis Botke
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Jessie Arms Botke
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Antoine Bouvard

Rexford Brandt
Maurice Braun
Anne M. Bremer
Anne M. Bremer

Rexford Brandt

Maurice Braun
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Anne M. Bremer
view more paintings

Anne M. Bremer

Henry J. Breuer
Benjamin Brown
Edward Bruce
Margaret Bell Bruton

Henry J. Breuer
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Benjamin Brown
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Edward Bruce

Margaret Bell Bruton

Georgia Zane Bull
Conrad Buff
Anne Carleton
Emil Carlsen

Georgia Zane Bull

Conrad Buff
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Anne Carleton

Emil Carlsen
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Felipe Castaneda
Ralph Chesse
Alice Chittenden
William Clapp

Felipe Castaneda

Ralph Chesse

Alice Chittenden
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William Clapp
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Alson Skinner Clark
Frank Coburn
Larry Cohen
Roi Clarkson Colman

Alson Skinner Clark
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Frank Coburn
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Larry Cohen
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Roi Clarkson Colman
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Harvey Coleman
John Comer
Colin Campbell Cooper
George Corbit

Harvey Coleman

John Comer

Colin Campbell Cooper
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George Corbit

Francisco Cornejo
Valentine Costello
John E. Costigan
John Cotton

Francisco Cornejo

Valentine Costello

John E. Costigan

John Cotton

Esther Crawford
Theodore Criley
Joane Cromwell
Melvin Earl Cummings

Esther Crawford

Theodore Criley
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Joane Cromwell
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Melvin Earl Cummings

Frank Cuprien
William S. Darling
John Decker
Paul de Longpre

Frank Cuprien
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William S. Darling

John Decker

Paul de Longpre
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Raoul de Longpre
Albert Thomas de Rome
Dey de Ribcowski
Frank Desch

Raoul de Longpre
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Albert Thomas de Rome
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Dey de Ribcowski

Frank Desch

Francis de Erdely
Wladimir de Terlikowski
Ross Dickinson
Charles John Dickman

Francis de Erdely

Wladimir de Terlikowski
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Ross Dickinson

Charles John Dickman

Phil Dike
John Carl Doemling
Adrian Dornbush
Crashing Surf<br><small>Paul Dougherty

Phil Dike
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John Carl Doemling
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Adrian Dornbush

Crashing Surf
Paul Dougherty

Haldane Douglas
Stanley Murray Edwards
Angel Espoy
Lorser Feitelson

Haldane Douglas

Stanley Murray Edwards

Angel Espoy
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Lorser Feitelson
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Jacques Martin Ferrieres
Vernon Fletcher
Jade Fon (Woo)
Henry Stuart Fonda

Jacques Martin Ferrieres

Vernon Fletcher

Jade Fon (Woo)
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Henry Stuart Fonda
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E. Charlton Fortune
Robert Frame
John Bond Francisco
Charles Arthur Fries

E. Charlton Fortune

Robert Frame
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John Bond Francisco
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Charles Arthur Fries
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John Frost
Alice V. Fullerton
Karoly Fulop
Fitch Fulton

John Frost
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Alice V. Fullerton

Karoly Fulop

Fitch Fulton
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John Marshall Gamble
Frank Gavencky
William Gaw
August Gay

John Marshall Gamble
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Frank Gavencky
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William Gaw

August Gay
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George Gibson
Arthur Hill Gilbert
Selden Gile
Joe Duncan Gleason

George Gibson

Arthur Hill Gilbert
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Selden Gile
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Joe Duncan Gleason
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Grigory Gluckmann
Robert Alexander Graham
Percy Gray
Joseph Greenbaum

Grigory Gluckmann
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Robert Alexander Graham

Percy Gray
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Joseph Greenbaum
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William Griffith
Paul Grimm
Charles Paul Gruppe
Armin Carl Hansen

William Griffith
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Paul Grimm
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Charles Paul Gruppe

Armin Carl Hansen
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Alexander F. Harmer
Charles Henry Harmon
Sam Hyde Harris
Arthur Merton Hazard

Alexander F. Harmer

Charles Henry Harmon

Sam Hyde Harris
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Arthur Merton Hazard

Vanessa Helder
Harry Raymond Henry
Boz Hessova
Hilaire Hiler

Vanessa Helder

Harry Raymond Henry

Boz Hessova
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Hilaire Hiler

Thomas Hill
Anna Hills
John W. Hilton
Clarence Hinkle

Thomas Hill
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Anna Hills
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John W. Hilton

Clarence Hinkle
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Ralph William Holmes
William Hubacek
Grace Carpenter Hudson
Thomas Lorraine Hunt

Ralph William Holmes

William Hubacek
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Grace Carpenter Hudson

Thomas Lorraine Hunt
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Esther Ann Hunt
Everett Gee Jackson
W.F. Jackson
Frank Tenney Johnson

Esther Ann Hunt

Everett Gee Jackson

W.F. Jackson
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Frank Tenney Johnson

Ralph Johonnot
William Lees Judson
Ferdinand Kaufmann
William Keith

Ralph Johonnot

William Lees Judson
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Ferdinand Kaufmann

William Keith

Aaron Kilpatrick
Dong Kingman
Joseph Kleitsch
Walter Koeniger

Aaron Kilpatrick
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Dong Kingman
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Joseph Kleitsch
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Walter Koeniger

Emil Kosa, Jr.
Emil Kosa Sr.
Peter Krasnow
Roger Kuntz

Emil Kosa, Jr.
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Emil Kosa Sr.

Peter Krasnow
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Roger Kuntz
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Paul Lauritz
Harry Law
Mary Lewis
Andrew Loomis

Paul Lauritz
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Harry Law

Mary Lewis

Andrew Loomis
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Boris Lovet Lorski
Helen Lundeberg<br><small>view more paintings
Leon Lundmark
Fernand Lungren

Boris Lovet Lorski

Helen Lundeberg
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Leon Lundmark

Fernand Lungren
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Stanton MacDonald-Wright
Jean Mannheim
William Marple
Frank Howard Marshall

Stanton MacDonald-Wright
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Jean Mannheim
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William Marple

Frank Howard Marshall

Alfredo Ramos Martinez
Arthur F. Mathews
Virginia McCallister
George Herbert McCord

Alfredo Ramos Martinez
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Arthur F. Mathews

Virginia McCallister
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George Herbert McCord

Thomas Arnold McGlynn
Jim McVicker
Ben Messick
Barse Miller

Thomas Arnold McGlynn

Jim McVicker

Ben Messick
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Barse Miller
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Evylena Nunn Miller
Richard Miller
Wilfrid Taylor Mills
Alfred Mitchell

Evylena Nunn Miller

Richard Miller

Wilfrid Taylor Mills

Alfred Mitchell
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Frank M. Moore
Thomas Moran
Mary DeNeale Morgan
John Mottram

Frank M. Moore
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Thomas Moran
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Mary DeNeale Morgan
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John Mottram

Bruce Nelson
Peter Nielsen
Louise Everett Nimmo
Blanche Northmore

Bruce Nelson

Peter Nielsen
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Louise Everett Nimmo

Blanche Northmore

George Oberteuffer
Otis Oldfield
George Demont Otis<br><small>view more paintings
Jules Pages

George Oberteuffer

Otis Oldfield

George Demont Otis
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Jules Pages
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Pauline Lennards Palmer
Phil Paradise
Lawton Parker
Dewitt Parshall

Pauline Lennards Palmer

Phil Paradise

Lawton Parker

Dewitt Parshall

Douglass Parshall
Edgar Payne
Elsie Palmer Payne
Agnes Pelton

Douglass Parshall
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Edgar Payne
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Elsie Palmer Payne
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Agnes Pelton
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Don Louis Perceval<br><small>view more paintings
Charles Rollo Peters
Einar C. Petersen
Gottardo Piazzoni

Don Louis Perceval
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Charles Rollo Peters
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Einar C. Petersen

Gottardo Piazzoni
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Lucy Pierce
George Booth Root Post
Arthur Powell
Burt Procter

Lucy Pierce

George Booth Root Post

Arthur Powell

Burt Procter
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Hanson Puthuff
Joseph Morris Raphael
Granville Redmond
Charles Reiffel

Hanson Puthuff
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Joseph Morris Raphael
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Granville Redmond
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Charles Reiffel

Lucio Lopez Rey
John Hubbard Rich
Arthur Grover Rider
Arthur Irwin Riley

Lucio Lopez Rey
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John Hubbard Rich
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Arthur Grover Rider
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Arthur Irwin Riley

William Ritschel
Helene Riviere
Charles Dormon Robinson
Guy Rose

William Ritschel
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Helene Riviere

Charles Dormon Robinson
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Guy Rose
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Doris Rosenthal
Mary Herrick Ross
Arthur Dominique Rozaire
Chauncey Foster Ryder

Doris Rosenthal
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Mary Herrick Ross

Arthur Dominique Rozaire
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Chauncey Foster Ryder

Detlef Sammann
Carl Sammons
Carl Sammons
Paul Sample

Detlef Sammann
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Carl Sammons

Carl Sammons

Paul Sample
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Birger Sandzen
Harry Washington Seawell
Frederick Schafer
Otto Schneider

Birger Sandzen
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Harry Washington Seawell

Frederick Schafer

Otto Schneider

Donna Schuster
William Schwartz
Elise Seeds
James Milton Sessions

Donna Schuster
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William Schwartz

Elise Seeds

James Milton Sessions

Joseph Henry Sharp
Millard Sheets
Nan Sheets
George Robert Sherriff

Joseph Henry Sharp
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Millard Sheets
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Nan Sheets

George Robert Sherriff
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Henrietta Shore
Edwin Roscoe Shrader
Christian Siemer
William Posey Silva

Henrietta Shore
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Edwin Roscoe Shrader
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Christian Siemer
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William Posey Silva

Charles L.A. Smith
Jack Wilkinson Smith
Walter Granville Smith
John Christopher Smith

Charles L.A. Smith

Jack Wilkinson Smith
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Walter Granville Smith

John Christopher Smith

George Spangenberg
Will Sparks
Ray Strang
Norman St. Clair

George Spangenberg
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Will Sparks

Ray Strang

Norman St. Clair
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Raimonds Staprans
Meyer Straus
Dedrick Brandes Stuber
Poetry of Evening <br><small>Dedrick Brandes Stuber

Raimonds Staprans
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Meyer Straus
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Dedrick Brandes Stuber
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Poetry of Evening
Dedrick Brandes Stuber

George Gardner Symons
Claibourne Randolph Tatum
David Anthony Tauszky
Manuel Tolegian

George Gardner Symons
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Claibourne Randolph Tatum

David Anthony Tauszky

Manuel Tolegian

Allen Tucker
Manuel Valencia
Oscar Van Young
Bernard Von Eichman

Allen Tucker

Manuel Valencia

Oscar Van Young

Bernard Von Eichman

Christian Von Schneidau
Edouard Vysekal
Luvena Vysekal
Elmer Wachtel

Christian Von Schneidau

Edouard Vysekal
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Luvena Vysekal
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Elmer Wachtel
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Marion Wachtel
Harry B. Wagoner
J. Stephen Ward
Abel George Warshawsky

Marion Wachtel
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Harry B. Wagoner
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J. Stephen Ward

Abel George Warshawsky
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William Wendt
Edith White
Orrin White
Gunnar Widforss

William Wendt
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Edith White

Orrin White
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Gunnar Widforss
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Gustave Adolph Wiegand
Frederick Wight
Shirley Williamson
Robert Wood

Gustave Adolph Wiegand

Frederick Wight

Shirley Williamson

Robert Wood
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Theodore Wores
Sydney Janis Yard
Raymond Dabb Yelland
Karl Yens

Theodore Wores
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Sydney Janis Yard

Raymond Dabb Yelland
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Karl Yens

S.C. Yuan
Feodor Zakharov
Milford Zornes

S.C. Yuan
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Feodor Zakharov
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Milford Zornes
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A Sunday Afternoon, Balboa Park, San Diego<br><small>George Spangenberg

A Sunday Afternoon, Balboa Park, San Diego
George Spangenberg